協会団体 >> 海外 (30)
Indonesian Golf Association |
PageRank 4 |
最終更新日 2010-10-30 16:58
Gedung Medco I, lt1
Jl. Ampera Raya No.18-20, Cilandak - Jakarta Selatan, 12560
Telp. 021 78841214, Fax. 021 78841215
E-mail: pgi@pgionline.org
Gedung Medco I, lt1
Jl. Ampera Raya No.18-20, Cilandak - Jakarta Selatan, 12560
Telp. 021 78841214, Fax. 021 78841215
E-mail: pgi@pgionline.org
ヒット数: 16
評価: 0.00 (投票数 0 )
最終更新日 2010-10-31 9:24
Callaway Golf Junior World Golf Championships
&San Diego Junior Golf Association
6155 Cornerstone Court E, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 558-8277
(858) 558-8370
Callaway Golf Junior World Golf Championships
&San Diego Junior Golf Association
6155 Cornerstone Court E, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 558-8277
(858) 558-8370
ヒット数: 646
評価: 0.00 (投票数 0 )
National Turfgrass Association |
PageRank 5 |
最終更新日 2010-12-17 17:31
The National Turfgrass Federation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, was formed in 1991 as the parent organization of the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP). Now it is time for a new organization; an entity to coordinate the activities of the National Turfgrass Research Initiative (NTRI). This new organization is being formed, while applying for 501 (c) 6 non-profit status, which allows for significant lobbying activities. The new organization will be named National Turfgrass Federation. The current organization will be renamed National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., and will coordinate only the activities of NTEP while retaining its 501 (c) 3 status.
The new National Turfgrass Federation is currently working on its structure and governance. A de facto Board of Directors has met twice in Washington, DC and meets regularly via conference call to discuss the organization’s future direction, goals, by-laws, etc. This Board of Directors has also provided guidance on and support of NTRI research activities, lobbying, fund raising, etc., while participating in discussions of NTRI with Congressional staff, USDA officials and White House administration.
At its last meeting, the Board of Directors approved the following:
Mission Statement: Promote the need for turfgrass research and its associated value to society
Strategy to accomplish its mission:
Cooperate and partner with the appropriate divisions of federal, state and local governments to promote the turfgrass industry and its interests and to engage appropriate divisions of federal, state and local governments in (1) meaningful dialog regarding the goals and needs of the turfgrass industry, (2) legislative and regulatory initiatives that benefit the turfgrass industry, and (3) the importance of funding for and implementation of the National Turfgrass Research Initiative.
The NTF Board is currently represented by the following organizations and individuals:
United States Golf Association (USGA)
Dr. Michael Kenna, Director, USGA Green Section Research
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)
Dr. Clark Throssell, Director of Research
Turfgrass Producers International
Mr. Kirk Hunter, Executive Director
Professional Landcare Network (PLANET)
Mr. Tom Delaney, Director of Government Affairs
The Irrigation Association
Mr. Tom Kimmell, Special Projects Coordinator
Ms. Deborah Hamlin, Executive Director
State Land-Grant Universities
Dr. Brian Horgan, University of Minnesota
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program
Mr. Kevin Morris, Executive Director
The Board is also considering representation from other turfgrass industry groups such as the American Seed Trade Association, Sports Turf Managers Association and commercial industry interests.
National Turfgrass Federation, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Beltsville, Maryland 20704
Phone: (301) 504-5125
Fax: (301) 504-5167
E-mail: info@turfresearch.org
The National Turfgrass Federation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, was formed in 1991 as the parent organization of the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP). Now it is time for a new organization; an entity to coordinate the activities of the National Turfgrass Research Initiative (NTRI). This new organization is being formed, while applying for 501 (c) 6 non-profit status, which allows for significant lobbying activities. The new organization will be named National Turfgrass Federation. The current organization will be renamed National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., and will coordinate only the activities of NTEP while retaining its 501 (c) 3 status.
The new National Turfgrass Federation is currently working on its structure and governance. A de facto Board of Directors has met twice in Washington, DC and meets regularly via conference call to discuss the organization’s future direction, goals, by-laws, etc. This Board of Directors has also provided guidance on and support of NTRI research activities, lobbying, fund raising, etc., while participating in discussions of NTRI with Congressional staff, USDA officials and White House administration.
At its last meeting, the Board of Directors approved the following:
Mission Statement: Promote the need for turfgrass research and its associated value to society
Strategy to accomplish its mission:
Cooperate and partner with the appropriate divisions of federal, state and local governments to promote the turfgrass industry and its interests and to engage appropriate divisions of federal, state and local governments in (1) meaningful dialog regarding the goals and needs of the turfgrass industry, (2) legislative and regulatory initiatives that benefit the turfgrass industry, and (3) the importance of funding for and implementation of the National Turfgrass Research Initiative.
The NTF Board is currently represented by the following organizations and individuals:
United States Golf Association (USGA)
Dr. Michael Kenna, Director, USGA Green Section Research
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)
Dr. Clark Throssell, Director of Research
Turfgrass Producers International
Mr. Kirk Hunter, Executive Director
Professional Landcare Network (PLANET)
Mr. Tom Delaney, Director of Government Affairs
The Irrigation Association
Mr. Tom Kimmell, Special Projects Coordinator
Ms. Deborah Hamlin, Executive Director
State Land-Grant Universities
Dr. Brian Horgan, University of Minnesota
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program
Mr. Kevin Morris, Executive Director
The Board is also considering representation from other turfgrass industry groups such as the American Seed Trade Association, Sports Turf Managers Association and commercial industry interests.
National Turfgrass Federation, Inc.
P.O. Box 106
Beltsville, Maryland 20704
Phone: (301) 504-5125
Fax: (301) 504-5167
E-mail: info@turfresearch.org
ヒット数: 537
評価: 0.00 (投票数 0 )
最終更新日 2010-12-17 17:39
The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association was formally created on January 1, 1987 from an amalgamation of the British Golf Greenkeepers Association, The English and International Golf Greenkeepers Association and The Scottish and International Golf Greenkeepers Association, forming a membership of 1,200.
Today BIGGA boasts over 6,000 members including Golf Greenkeepers but also Associate Members and Student Members. In June 2009 the Association was opened up to allow full membership to all sports turf professionals.
In October 1998, BIGGA was proud to welcome His Royal Highness The Duke of York officially to open BIGGA HOUSE, the Association's new headquarters. Housing 14 members of staff - there are also four Regional Officers operating out in the field - and with a state-of-the-art training room, the Association has the facilities to enhance further its services to its members and the greenkeeping profession.
Tel:+44 (0)1347 833800Fax:+44 (0)1347 833801Email:info@bigga.co.ukPost:BIGGA HOUSE
YO61 1UF The British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association Limited (BIGGA) Registration No: 6911065. Registered Office: BIGGA HOUSE, Aldwark, Alne, York, YO61 1UF
The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association was formally created on January 1, 1987 from an amalgamation of the British Golf Greenkeepers Association, The English and International Golf Greenkeepers Association and The Scottish and International Golf Greenkeepers Association, forming a membership of 1,200.
Today BIGGA boasts over 6,000 members including Golf Greenkeepers but also Associate Members and Student Members. In June 2009 the Association was opened up to allow full membership to all sports turf professionals.
In October 1998, BIGGA was proud to welcome His Royal Highness The Duke of York officially to open BIGGA HOUSE, the Association's new headquarters. Housing 14 members of staff - there are also four Regional Officers operating out in the field - and with a state-of-the-art training room, the Association has the facilities to enhance further its services to its members and the greenkeeping profession.
Tel:+44 (0)1347 833800Fax:+44 (0)1347 833801Email:info@bigga.co.ukPost:BIGGA HOUSE
YO61 1UF The British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association Limited (BIGGA) Registration No: 6911065. Registered Office: BIGGA HOUSE, Aldwark, Alne, York, YO61 1UF
ヒット数: 6
評価: 0.00 (投票数 0 )
PageRank 0 |
最終更新日 2016-4-8 6:38
郵便番号 226-0016
FAX番号 045-921-9137
郵便番号 226-0016
住所 神奈川県 横浜市 緑区霧が丘4-2-2-306 (有)インターフェニックス内 |
●USGTF JAPANの公式サイトより、転載●
USGTF(United States Golf Teachers Federation)は最も新しくまた効果の実証されているゴルフスイング分析手法に基づいたゴルフ指導法を確立し、これを実施することによって、指導法と資格認定の基準を全世界で平準化することを目指しています。USGTFはさらに会員に対してさまざまな支援・サービスを提供し、組織の拡大とゴルフ指導法の向上を目指します。
USGTFにはアマチュア部門(Amateur Division)が設けられています。アマチュア部門の会員はゴルフ指導とトーナメントの参加に際して金銭的な報酬を受けないなどの『ゴルフ規則』に則り、アマチュア資格を維持することができます。
USGTFの会員となるには、アメリカ各地ならびに日本で開催される5〜7日間の講習と認定試験を受け、所定の基準を満たす必要があります。会員には機関誌「Golf Teaching Pro®」(年2回発刊、邦訳記事を配布)、ホームページなどを通じて、アメリカにおける最新のゴルフ指導情報を提供します。
会 長 Geoff Bryant
カナダ担当 Marc Ray ヨーロッパ担当 Charles Simon
南米担当 Jim Perez 韓国担当 Brandon Lee
英国担当 Peter Hudson 豪州担当 Gary Cooney
日本担当 八木沼 修一
日本では1996年に米国テキサス州において行われた認定試験に日本から数名が参加して合格者を得た直後に、USGTFJAPANが設立されました。以来、毎年5〜7回の認定試験を実施しています。合格者はWGTF及びUSGTFの会員としても登録され、ゴルフ指導者として活躍しています。主な提携先としては、オーストラリアのGOLD ONE GOLF SCHOOL、アズメディア、パームスプリングス・ゴルフアカデミーなどがあります。
副会長:伊澤 利夫
執行役員:森田 一
上級認定試験官:板橋 繁(オーストラリア在住)
認定試験官:梅崎 謙彦
認定試験官:廣瀬 俊典
関西地区代表:国府 英樹
中部地区代表:太田 翔士
●USGTF JAPANの公式サイトより、転載●
USGTF(United States Golf Teachers Federation)は最も新しくまた効果の実証されているゴルフスイング分析手法に基づいたゴルフ指導法を確立し、これを実施することによって、指導法と資格認定の基準を全世界で平準化することを目指しています。USGTFはさらに会員に対してさまざまな支援・サービスを提供し、組織の拡大とゴルフ指導法の向上を目指します。
USGTFにはアマチュア部門(Amateur Division)が設けられています。アマチュア部門の会員はゴルフ指導とトーナメントの参加に際して金銭的な報酬を受けないなどの『ゴルフ規則』に則り、アマチュア資格を維持することができます。
USGTFの会員となるには、アメリカ各地ならびに日本で開催される5〜7日間の講習と認定試験を受け、所定の基準を満たす必要があります。会員には機関誌「Golf Teaching Pro®」(年2回発刊、邦訳記事を配布)、ホームページなどを通じて、アメリカにおける最新のゴルフ指導情報を提供します。
会 長 Geoff Bryant
カナダ担当 Marc Ray ヨーロッパ担当 Charles Simon
南米担当 Jim Perez 韓国担当 Brandon Lee
英国担当 Peter Hudson 豪州担当 Gary Cooney
日本担当 八木沼 修一
日本では1996年に米国テキサス州において行われた認定試験に日本から数名が参加して合格者を得た直後に、USGTFJAPANが設立されました。以来、毎年5〜7回の認定試験を実施しています。合格者はWGTF及びUSGTFの会員としても登録され、ゴルフ指導者として活躍しています。主な提携先としては、オーストラリアのGOLD ONE GOLF SCHOOL、アズメディア、パームスプリングス・ゴルフアカデミーなどがあります。
副会長:伊澤 利夫
執行役員:森田 一
上級認定試験官:板橋 繁(オーストラリア在住)
認定試験官:梅崎 謙彦
認定試験官:廣瀬 俊典
関西地区代表:国府 英樹
中部地区代表:太田 翔士
ヒット数: 119
評価: 0.00 (投票数 0 )
PageRank 0 |
最終更新日 2016-4-8 6:52
電話番号 1-888-346-3290
住所 Florida USA Port St. Lucie 1295 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd |
<About USGTF>
copy from Official USTGF Website
Founded in September, 1989, the United States Golf Teachers Federation began making history by training and certifying golf teaching professionals for the golfing public. By opening the door to those who previously were never given the opportunity to teach golf, the USGTF started a trend that has led the game through two decades of growth and popularity never seen before.
Today, the USGTF is the largest national organization of certified golf teaching professionals in the world. The USGTF is a founding member of the World Golf Teachers Federation® and is one of 42 member nations that make up this entity. Both federations help to establish the world’s standard for golf teaching professionals.
USGTF members can be found in all 50 states and around the world. They serve in many facets of the golf business, including teaching professionals, directors of golf, head professionals, and high-school and college coaches, among many positions that are currently held. USGTF members also have the opportunity to compete in our regional, national, and international events, along with the opportunity to network with their fellow members.
To become a USGTF member, you may select the online Associate Member course or the five-day in-person Certified Golf Teaching Professional® course. This allows you to select the certification category that is right for you. It is not required to have any prior experience in the golf teaching industry before obtaining certification, except of course, the ability to play golf at a level of acceptability. For this reason, passing a playing ability test is required to become a Certified Golf Teaching Professional®.
<About USGTF>
copy from Official USTGF Website
Founded in September, 1989, the United States Golf Teachers Federation began making history by training and certifying golf teaching professionals for the golfing public. By opening the door to those who previously were never given the opportunity to teach golf, the USGTF started a trend that has led the game through two decades of growth and popularity never seen before.
Today, the USGTF is the largest national organization of certified golf teaching professionals in the world. The USGTF is a founding member of the World Golf Teachers Federation® and is one of 42 member nations that make up this entity. Both federations help to establish the world’s standard for golf teaching professionals.
USGTF members can be found in all 50 states and around the world. They serve in many facets of the golf business, including teaching professionals, directors of golf, head professionals, and high-school and college coaches, among many positions that are currently held. USGTF members also have the opportunity to compete in our regional, national, and international events, along with the opportunity to network with their fellow members.
To become a USGTF member, you may select the online Associate Member course or the five-day in-person Certified Golf Teaching Professional® course. This allows you to select the certification category that is right for you. It is not required to have any prior experience in the golf teaching industry before obtaining certification, except of course, the ability to play golf at a level of acceptability. For this reason, passing a playing ability test is required to become a Certified Golf Teaching Professional®.
ヒット数: 11
評価: 0.00 (投票数 0 )
ザ・ファーストティー・ジャパン |
PageRank 0 |
最終更新日 2016-4-8 7:01
当法人は、米国NPO法人「ザ・ファースト・ティ」(The First Tee :TFT)の<青少年育成プログラム>を導入し、子どもたちに「スポーツとしてのゴルフの場」を提供し「生涯スポーツ社会の実現」を目指して、次世代を担う子どもたちの健全な育成に取り組んでいきます。
特定非営利活動法人 ザ・ファースト・ティ・オブ・ジャパン
理事長 氏家 正道
当法人は、米国NPO法人「ザ・ファースト・ティ」(The First Tee :TFT)の<青少年育成プログラム>を導入し、子どもたちに「スポーツとしてのゴルフの場」を提供し「生涯スポーツ社会の実現」を目指して、次世代を担う子どもたちの健全な育成に取り組んでいきます。
特定非営利活動法人 ザ・ファースト・ティ・オブ・ジャパン
理事長 氏家 正道
ヒット数: 97
評価: 0.00 (投票数 0 )
execution time : 0.203 sec